Friday, August 1, 2008

yeast cure four great yeast cures

When it comes to finding a suitable yeast cure for a yeast infection there are plenty of ones that can be used. Today there are numerous natural yeast cures that one can consider using to treat and prevent a reoccurrence of this infection. The great thing about this is not only are they natural but they are safe as well and certainly for some people won't cause unwanted side effects in them when being used.

Below we take a look at just some of the things that one can do to help not only cure a yeast infection, but also prevent it from occurring in the future.

One of the first things that a woman needs to do is take a close look at her diet, especially if she suffers from this type of infection on a regular basis. Eating lots of processed foods and those high in sugar can further exacerbate the infection because they help the yeast fungus (Candida Albicans) to grow more easily. Making changes to her diet can certainly help towards making sure that this infection is held at bay.

A woman will need to drink plenty of water as this is a quick way of helping to remove toxins from her body. Secondly she should include more fresh fruit and vegetables in to her diet along with eating more fish, whole grains, nuts and olive oil. Ideally she should also be eating more organic foods as these are less likely to have preservatives and pesticides on them which can further exacerbate her infection.

Another thing one needs to do is make sure that she cuts back or eliminates from her diet altogether alcohol and anything which contains high levels of caffeine within them. Plus avoid eating too many foods that have wheat or white flour within them.

As well as making changes to her dietary habits a woman can use a number of different natural treatments for helping to cure their yeast infection and below we look at just what some of these are.

Cranberries - These are ideal for treating any type of urinary infection as they contain high levels of Vitamin C within them. Plus there is another property within the cranberries that actually prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls.

Garlic - For many centuries now this herb has been used for treating fungal infections as it contains anti-fungal properties. These properties actually help to kill off the growth of yeast which when it become prevalent causes the infection to occur.

Teatree Oil -; Another yeast cure used for treating this type of infection and to use it one needs to mix it with some olive oil and then soak a tampon in it. Then insert into the vagina and leave for a period of time for its properties to start working. Be aware that if the teatree oil comes into contact with the woman's vulva it can cause some stinging so one needs to be careful when inserting the tampon into the vagina.

Yogurt - As we all know many women tell us how good this is as a yeast cure because of the friendly bacteria that is contains. However, you cannot use just any yogurt it has to be the pure unsweetened variety. All one needs to do with this particular remedy is to apply it directly to the vulva or area infected and just watch to see if the symptoms begin to subside.

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